======floatval====== WMPRO, WMMINI FW >= 1.0 WMMEGA FW >= 2.0 Return the float value of a number or string ====Description==== mixed floatval (mixed $value ) Return the floating point equivalent ====Parameter==== $value: A string with a leading number, or a number (int or float) ====Return Values==== * Float (if an equivalent exists) * Int 0 on failure (for example, a string without a numeric in the leftmost characters) * Int 0 on empty array * Int 1 on non-empty array ====Example==== ===Convert the integer '1' into a float variable which has a value of 1.000000=== The above example will output: The float value of 1 is 1.000000 ====See Also==== [[intval()]] - Return the integer value of a number or string [[strval()]] - Return the string equivalent of a number [[is_numeric()]] - Check if a value is numeric (int, float or numeric string) [[inttoieee754()]] - Convert an IEEE-754 encoded integer representation (32 bit) to a float [[uphp:variables|uPHP Variable Types and Limits]]