======is_string====== WMPRO, WMMINI FW >= 1.0 WMMEGA FW >= 2.0 Check if a variable is a string ====Description==== int is_string ( mixed $variable ) Check to see if a variable or value is of type string ====Parameter==== $variable: Variable or expression to be evaluated ====Return Values==== Integer: 1 (true) if a string, 0 (false) if not a string ====Examples==== ====Notes==== This function checks ONLY the type of the variable, not the data that it holds! ====See Also==== [[is_int()]] - Check if a variable is an integer [[is_float()]] - Check if a variable is a float [[is_numeric()]] - Check if a value is numeric (int, float or numeric string) [[is_array()]] - Check if a variable is an array [[isset()]] - Check if a variable exists [[uphp:variables|uPHP Variable Types and Limits]]