======session_destroy====== WMPRO, WMMINI >= 1.0 WMMEGA FW >= 2.0 Clear the current session's data ====Description==== session_destroy ( ) This is only applicable for HTTP initiated scripts. An internal ''$_SESSION'' array is available to all HTTP scripts to allow for persistent variables to be shared between scripts. This array is associated with the script based on a cookie created at login. This function clears the array. This would clear specific variables like logged_in, an integer indicating whether the user is logged in, so if a page in WattmonOS (such as the home page) is called after running this function, you would be redirected to the login page once again. ====Parameters==== None ====Return Values==== None ====See Also==== [[uphp:uPHP Special Variables]] - Special arrays that are populated automatically (including ''$_SESSION'') [[session_is_new()]] - Check if a session was just initiated [[session_start()]] - Initiate a new session and send the cookie data for it