======sha1====== WMPRO, WMMINI FW >= 1.1015 WMMEGA FW >= 2.0 Calculate the SHA1 hash of a string ====Description==== string sha1 ( string $input ) This can be used for cryptography or just for checksum calculations. For more information on SHA1, see this [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-1|Wikipedia link]]. ====Parameter==== $input: A string ====Return Values==== String: SHA1 hash (40 character hexadecimal number) of input ====Example==== ====See Also==== [[md5()]] - Calculate the MD5 hash of a string [[md5_file()]] - Calculate the MD5 hash of a file [[hash_hmac()]] - Calculate the hash of a string [[aes_decrypt()]] - Decrypt a string using the AES algorithm [[aes_encrypt()]] - Encrypt a string using the AES algorithm