======strtoupper====== WMPRO, WMMINI FW >= 1.0 WMMEGA FW >= 2.0 Return the UPPERCASE version of a string ====Description==== string strtoupper ( string $input ) This function converts all alphabetic characters in input to UPPERCASE ====Parameter==== $input: The input string ====Return Values==== UPPERCASE string ====Example==== ====See Also==== [[charat()]] - Return the ASCII code for a character in a string at an index [[strlen()]] - Return the length of a string [[strpos()]] - Return the position of the first occurrence of a needle in a haystack [[strrpos()]] - Return the position of the last occurrence of a needle in a haystack [[strtolower()]] - Return the lowercase version of a string [[substr()]] - Return part of a string [[ucfirst()]] - Convert a string to lowercase except for the first character