======add_cron====== WattmonOS 3.12+ Add a script to be executed by the CRON scheduler ====Library====
====Description==== add_cron ( string $filneame , string $interval ) Add a script to be executed by the CRON scheduler after a reboot. ====Parameters==== $filename: Full path to filename to be executed $interval: CRON-compatible interval using the following format:
second  minute   hour    dow
^ Field ^ Description ^ | second | execution second, can be * (every second), */x (i.e. */5 for every 5 seconds), or any number between 0 and 59 | | minute | execution minute, can be * (every minute), */x (i.e. */15 for every 15 minutes), or any number between 0 and 59 | | hour | execution hour, can be * (every hour), * /x (i.e. * /2 for every 2 hours), or any number between 0 and 23 | | dow | execution day of the week, can be * (every day), or a value 0-6 (sunday to monday) | For example: "* 0 * *" would execute the script once an hour ====Return Values==== int - 1 if the script was added, 0 if the script was already found in the crontab