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The Original Wattmon

The Original WattmonThe original Wattmon is no longer being produced, and is only partially supported. They are still in use by some, I'm sure, but they are no longer available.


Note that most but not all of the uPHP software reference information documented elsewhere in this Wiki applies to the original Wattmon. However, it had much older versions of the firmware and operating system, which were brought into the WattmonPro and improved.

The Wattmons that are Currently Produced:

  • The WattmonPRO was introduced next, as a more flexible device with multiple interfaces, built in IO ports and 128KB RAM.
  • The WattmonMINI is a reduced version of the WattmonPRO with a single Modbus RTU port.
  • The WattmonMEGA has 512KB RAM, 100mbps Ethernet, and operates at 200MHz making it over twice as fast as the PRO.
hardware/wattmons/wattmon.1536074439.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/13 05:56 (external edit)