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WattmonPro with Huawei USB DongleThe WattmonPRO is a more flexible device than the original Wattmon. It was the 2nd generation to be released in our range of embedded data logging and control devices. Compared to the original Wattmon, this version has several I/O lines on-board and 128KB RAM, making it easier to develop intelligent machine automation applications in addition to performing data logging.



Detailed Specifications

User's Manual

The Wattmons that came after the PRO:

  • The WattmonMINI was next released as a reduced version of the WattmonPRO with a single Modbus RTU port.
  • The WattmonMEGA has 512KB RAM, 100mbps Ethernet, and operates at 200MHz making it over twice as fast as the PRO.
hardware/wattmons/wattmonpro.1535800107.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/13 05:56 (external edit)