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AJAX Generation

AJAX is the standard for Asynchronous Javascript and allows dynamic variables to be loaded into a page. In WattmonOS, the home page uses AJAX to update its parameters once per second.

Various packages may insert hooks that generate content in the AJAX output. All parameters in the AJAX page are JSON-encoded.

Generating AJAX

In order to send parameters to the home page, your script should output one or more lines of valid JSON data, with a key and value in the format:

"string_key":"my string",

End each parameter with a comma (,).

Generating AJAX in Blockly

Below is an example script that will increment a global variable 'cnt' and send it to the AJAX output.

Example output of this:

uphp/ajax_generation.1563778166.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/13 05:56 (external edit)