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uphp:functions:call_user_func [2017/02/20 12:10]
uphp:functions:call_user_func [2021/09/13 05:57]
Line 1: Line 1:
-<badge>WMPRO, WMMINI FW > 1.0</badge> <badge>WMMEGA FW > 2.0</badge> 
-Call a user defined function with optional parameters 
-<well size="sm"><html> 
-<span style="font-size:125%;color:green;">mixed  
-<span style="color:black;"></html>[[call_user_func]]<html> 
-<span style="color:green;">string  
-<span style="color:blue;">$function_name  
-<span style="color:black;">[,  
-<span style="color:green;">mixed  
-<span style="color:blue;">$parameters  
-<span style="color:black;">... ] ) 
-Return result as defined by the user function  
-<html><span style="color:blue;"><b>function_name</b><span style="color:black;"></html>:  String containing the name of the user function to call 
-<html><span style="color:blue;"><b>parameters</b><span style="color:black;"></html>:  Optional parameters to pass to the function 
-====Return Value==== 
-Any type depending on the way the function is defined 
-<code php><?  
-function my_add($x,$y) { 
-  return $x+$y; 
-print($result); // result is 4 
-====See Also==== 
-[[uphp:statements:function]] - Define a function 
-[[uphp:statements:return]] - Return program control to the calling module 
-====Additional Information==== 
-User defined functions can take many different forms, and it is not necessary to use [[call_user_func()]] to execute a function unless a direct return value is needed. 
-If used within a function, the [[uphp:statements:return]] statement immediately ends execution of the function, and returns its argument as the value of the function call. 
uphp/functions/call_user_func.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/13 05:57 (external edit)