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uphp:functions:die [2017/03/18 19:22]
uphp:functions:die [2021/09/13 05:57]
Line 1: Line 1:
-<badge>WMPRO, WMMINI FW >= 1.0</badge> <badge>WMMEGA FW >= 2.0</badge> 
-Kill the script 
-<well size="sm"><html><span style="font-size:125%;"></html>[[die]] ( ) 
-Terminates the current script 
-====Return Value==== 
-<code php> 
-  die(); // nothing beyond this line will be executed 
-  while (1); // without the die() statement above we'd be stuck here until max_execution_time expires 
-**Kill a script if not logged in as an adminstrator:** 
-<code php> 
-  if ($_SESSION['admin']==0) die(); 
-====Additional Information==== 
-Mainline PHP has a function or language construct ''exit()'' which is not implemented in uPHP. 
-====See Also==== 
-[[process_kill()]] - Send a kill request to the process number 
-[[max_execution_time()]] - Set maximum execution time in seconds 
uphp/functions/die.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/13 05:57 (external edit)