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uphp:functions:isset [2017/05/11 23:13]
uphp:functions:isset [2021/09/13 05:57] (current)
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 ====Notes==== ====Notes====
-There is no way to unset a variable once it has been set (except to exit the local scope or script where it was defined). Unlike mainline PHP, uPHP does not have a construct ''unset()'' or the constant ''null''. Unlike many other programming languages, you cannot simply remove a variable by setting it equal to nothing, such as by trying the statement ''$x=;''((As tested on a Wattmon Pro with firmware 1.1051 the statement ''$x=;'' causes a Watchdog Timeout error and a reboot of the Wattmon)).+There is no way to unset a variable once it has been set (except to exit the local scope or script where it was defined). Unlike mainline PHP, uPHP does not have a construct ''unset()'' or the constant ''null''. Unlike many other programming languages, you cannot simply remove a variable by setting it equal to nothing, such as by trying the statement ''$x=;''((As tested on a [[hardware:wattmons:WattmonPRO]] with firmware 1.1051 the statement ''$x=;'' causes a Watchdog Timeout error and a reboot of the Wattmon)).
 Also note that the uPHP [[isset()]] does not always generate a parsing error if the parameter is not a variable((See where it says "Warning: isset() only works with variables as passing anything else will result in a parse error.")). All of these examples will return 0: Also note that the uPHP [[isset()]] does not always generate a parsing error if the parameter is not a variable((See where it says "Warning: isset() only works with variables as passing anything else will result in a parse error.")). All of these examples will return 0:
uphp/functions/isset.1494544434.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/13 05:56 (external edit)