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uphp:functions:strlen [2017/05/26 15:01]
uphp:functions:strlen [2021/09/13 05:57]
Line 1: Line 1:
-<badge>WMPRO, WMMINI FW >= 1.0</badge> <badge>WMMEGA FW >= 2.0</badge> 
-Return the length of a <html><b><span style="color:green">string</b></html> 
-<well size="sm"><html> 
-<span style="font-size:125%;color:green">int 
-<span style="color:black">strlen ( 
-<span style="color:green">string 
-<span style="color:blue">$str 
-<span style="color:black">) 
-<html><b><span style="color:blue">$str<span style="color:black"></b>:  A <b><span style="color:green">string<span style="color:black"></b></html> 
-====Return Values==== 
-<html><b><span style="color:green">Integer<span style="color:black"></b> number of bytes in the <b><span style="color:green">string<span style="color:black"></b> (it's length), 0 if <b><span style="color:blue">$str<span style="color:black"></b> is empty</html> 
-<code php> 
-  $str='abcdef'; 
-  echo strlen($str); // 6 
-  $str=' ab cd '; 
-  echo strlen($str); // 7 
-====See Also==== 
-[[charat()]] - Return the ASCII code for a character in a <html><b><span style="color:green">string<span style="color:black"></b> at an index</html> 
-[[strpos()]] - Return the position of the first occurrence of a needle in a haystack 
-[[strrpos()]] - Return the position of the last occurrence of a needle in a haystack 
-[[strtolower()]] - Return the lowercase version of a string 
-[[strtoupper()]] - Return the uppercase version of a string 
-[[substr()]] - Return a sub-string of the passed str from start for len characters. If len is blank it will return the string until the end. 
-[[ucfirst()]] - Convert a string to lowercase except for the first character of each word 
uphp/functions/strlen.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/13 05:57 (external edit)