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Serial and Modbus Function Reference

uPHP functions related to the serial port and Modbus are shown below:

Click on the function name for further details:

f485openint baud, int parityint handle or 0Open the RS-485 port at the specified baud rate and parity
fcloseint handleClose a file, stream or socket
feofint handleint 1 or 0Test if no more data is available in a file, stream or socket
fgetsint handle, int sizestring or int -1Return a single line from a file, stream or socket, with optional size limit
filesizestring filename or int handleint bytesReturn the size of a file, or the number of unread bytes in a stream or socket
freadint handle, int bytesstring or int 0Read bytes from a file, stream or socket
fseropenint baud, int blocking, int invert, int parityint handle or 0Open the serial port at the specified baud rate with optional parameters

fwrite|int handle, mixed data, int length|int bytes written or -1|Write data to a file, stream or socket|

mb_delete_deviceint idint 1=OKDelete a device from the list of active devices
mb_get_dev_by_idint idarrayReturn modbus device details by id
mb_get_dev_by_indexint indexarrayReturn modbus device details by index
mb_get_dev_by_namestring namearrayReturn modbus device details by name
mb_get_dev_infoint typearrayReturn modbus device details by type
mb_get_role_arrayarrayReturn an array of all roles and their values
mb_get_status_by_roleint roleint 1=OKReturn status of the device attached to the role
mb_get_val_by_roleint rolenumberReturn value of the role
mb_num_devicesintReturn number of devices on the modbus
mb_queue_commandmixed values ...array of numbersQueue a sequence of characters to the RS-485 bus and get but ignore the reply
mb_scan_completeint 1=complete, 0=ongoingCheck to see if a modbus scan has completed
mb_scan_percentnumber percent completedReturn scan percentage completed
mb_send_commandmixed values ...array of numbersSend a sequence of characters to the RS-485 bus and get a reply
mb_set_dev_varstring name or int id, string variable, mixed valueint 1=OKSet a variable on a modbus device
mb_set_val_by_roleint role, number valueint 1=OKSet a role value on a modbus device
mb_start_scanint start, int endInitiate an automatic scan of the modbus
uphp/modbus_functions.1561606033.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/13 05:56 (external edit)