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Programming the Wattmon

Programming and scripting will be used interchangeably throughout the document. Wattmon is built on a scripting language that is syntactically identical to PHP - we call it uPHP for Micro-PHP. It has a small but powerful subset of the functions and features found in the PHP language.

Why uPHP?

First perhaps it would be good to explain a bit about how and why we chose PHP. The goal of Wattmon is to provide a highly flexible platform that can be customized for pretty much any application imaginable keeping in mind very low memory availability. It became clear that a scripting language would be required to implement this, since having custom firmwares for various applications would be very tedious. The question then became: what would be the *best* scripting language that is well known today and can be deployed on a microcontroller with such limited resource? The choices are actually very small. Most modern scripting languages require quite a bit of RAM. So, we decided to roll own own scripting language from scratch and base it off a well known language.

Script Structure

Language Basics

wiki/uphp.1484553509.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/13 05:56 (external edit)