This page contains a comprehensive list of the RS-485 Modbus RTU Modules that have been produced for the [[Wattmons]]. It will contain links to documentation for each of them.
The WattmonOS contains drivers for all of these devices, most of them with automatic detection and configuration. The currently produced devices are at the top of the list. Below those, the discontinued or obsolete modules are listed, for the purpose of providing documentation for those that own them and are yet using them, and as a demonstration of the many potential applications for the [[Wattmons|Wattmon]].((Some of the Modules were discontinued because they were replaced with a better Module. Others have been discontinued for other reasons, sometimes lack of orders. Please contact us if your application could benefit from the use of any of the discontinued Modules: we will consider manufacturing them again to fill a special order if there is enough potential demand.))
====Work in Progress!====
{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png|We're working on it!}}We're working on it now, check back soon, as the information you need might be here then!
|[[hardware:Modules:A10]]|10-Channel ADC Module|Available|
|[[hardware:Modules:C252h]]|25A Dual-Channel Bidirectional Current Sensor Module|Available|
|[[hardware:Modules:C1002s]]|100A Dual-Channel Bidirectional Current Sensor Module|Available|
|[[hardware:Modules:I8O8]]|8-Channel Digital I/O Module + Relay Board|Available|
|WM-LCD 24x4|LCD Module|Available|
|A5S1|5-Channel ADC with Single 20mV Shunt Amplifier Module|NLA|
|A6I4|6-Channel ADC Module with 4 Digital Inputs|NLA, replaced with [[hardware:Modules:A10]] and [[hardware:Modules:I8O8]]|
|A8I2|8-Channel ADC Module with 2 Digital Inputs|NLA, replaced with [[hardware:Modules:A10]] and [[hardware:Modules:I8O8]]|
|C252|25A Dual Current Sensor Module|NLA, replaced with 12-bit [[hardware:Modules:C252h]]|
|C502|50A Dual Current Sensor Module|NLA, replaced with 12-bit [[hardware:Modules:C1002s]]|
|C752|75A Dual Current Sensor Module|NLA, replaced with 12-bit [[hardware:Modules:C1002s]]|
|I3O2|Digital I/O Module|NLA, for Inputs see [[hardware:Modules:I8O8]]|
|BAR-RH|Barometer, Humidity & Temperature Module|NLA|
|DS3|Distance Sensor Module|NLA|
|EC & PH|TDS and Ph Level Module|NLA|
|IF1|Frequency/Pulse Counter Module|NLA|
|IP1|PWM Output and Single Channel ADC Module|NLA|
|S5|5-Channel 50mV Shunt Amplifier Module|NLA|
Perhaps you don't see your device in this list? It might be one of the many modules, sensors, devices or accessories that we sell that are listed in [[Accessories]].