======Serial Port Programming======
[[hardware:wattmons:WattmonPRO]] and [[hardware:wattmons:WattmonMEGA]] come with an RS-232 serial interface on pins 7 and 8 and an RS-485 port on an RJ45 connector. The device is configured by default for RS-232 voltage levels and by using a simple DB9 cable can be connected to any serial device. For specific devices that require TTL levels, a jumper setting inside the device can bypass the level converter IC and it can thus be used to interface with sensors or other devices at 3.3V DC.
=====Using the RS-232 Serial Port=====
To open the serial port, use the [[uphp:functions:fseropen()]] function.
The serial port is treated like a file after opening and standard file functions such as [[uphp:functions:fread()]], [[uphp:functions:fwrite()]], [[uphp:functions:fgets()]] and [[uphp:functions:filesize()]] apply.
An example of using the serial port is shown below:
// Open the serial port at 115200 baud in non-blocking mode
if (!$fp) {
print("Serial open failed");
} else {
$res=fwrite($fp,"Hello from wattmon");
if ($res) {
print("An error occurred while trying to write to the port");
====Jumper Settings Inside Wattmon====
{{20170318_rs232_mode.png?250|Settings for RS-232 Mode}} < //Settings for RS-232 Mode //{{20170318_ttl_mode.png?250|Settings for TTL Mode}} < //Settings for TTL Mode//
====RS-232 Cable Connection====
In order to connect to a device you will need to procure a DB9 cable (male or female) and connect it up as shown in the following diagram:
{{20170318_wattmonpro_rs232.png?300|RS-232 DB9 Connection to Wattmon}}
=====Using the RS-485 Serial Port=====
In order to use the RS-485 port, you need to disable modbus polling. This is done from the Devices > Options > Edit Communication Settings as shown here:
{{20170318_modbus_polling_setting.png?600|Disable Modbus Polling}}
To open the RS-485 port, use the [[uphp:functions:f485open()]] function.
The RS-485 serial port is treated like a file after opening and standard file functions such as [[uphp:functions:fread()]], [[uphp:functions:fwrite()]], [[uphp:functions:fgets()]] and [[uphp:functions:filesize()]] apply.
An example of using the RS-485 serial port is shown below:
// Open the 485 port at 115200 baud with no parity
if (!$fp) {
print("Serial open failed");
} else {
$res=fwrite($fp,"Hello from wattmon");
if ($res) {
print("An error occurred while trying to write to the port");
====RS-485 Cable Connection====
Use a standard RJ-45 cable and cut it to connect your RS-485 device to [[hardware:wattmons:WattmonPRO]] or [[hardware:wattmons:WattmonMEGA]].
^ PIN ^ Color ^ Description ^
| 1,2 | Orange | GND |
| 4 | Blue | D+ / A |
| 5 | White-Blue | D- / B |
{{20170318_rj45_connector_pinout.png?450|RJ45 Connection Pinout}}