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Add a device to the list of polled devices


int mb_add_dev ( int $id, int $type, string $name, int $poll_interval, int $status, int $bus )


$id: Device identification number (slave ID)

$type: Device type identification number

$name: Device name

$poll_interval: Modbus polling interval

$status: Current device status

$bus: Optional bus ID. See table below.

Return Values

Integer: 0=success, otherwise there was an error adding the device


The bus number indicates which subsystem handles the modbus processing in Wattmon.

Bus Description
0 RS-485 Port (Default)
1 Virtual Device
2-11 Modbus TCP Channel 0-9

See Also

mb_delete_dev() - Delete a device from the list of active devices

mb_get_dev_by_id() - Return modbus device details by ID

mb_get_dev_by_index() - Return modbus device details by index

mb_get_dev_by_name() - Return modbus device details by name

mb_get_dev_info() - Return modbus device details by type

mb_get_role_array() - Return an array of all roles and their values

mb_get_status_by_role() - Return status of the device attached to the role

mb_get_val_by_role() - Return value of the role

mb_num_devices() - Return number of devices on the modbus

mb_queue_command() - Queue a sequence of characters to the RS-485 bus and get but ignore the reply

mb_scan_complete() - Check to see if a modbus scan has completed

mb_scan_percent() - Return scan percentage completed

mb_send_command() - Send a sequence of characters to the RS-485 bus and get a reply

mb_set_dev_var() - Set a variable on a modbus device

mb_set_val_by_role() - Set a role value on a modbus device

mb_start_scan() - Initiate an automatic scan of the modbus