/device/tx/0 - update data in an existing device 0 Payload: comma separated data register values to be updated
DEVID/app2wm/modbus/tx/0 - send data on modbus 0 Payload - hex bytes 00112233AABBCC Response data: DEVID/wm2app/response/modbus/rx/0 Data: Hex bytes from modbus channel
DEVID/app2wm/ - other JSON commands Payload: JSON DATA
getroles action:“getroles” - get role values req_id: <optional request id> filter: <optional filter string> Response: /DEVID/wm2app/response JSON object: {result: OK req_id: <optional id that was passed> roles: { role_name1:value, role_name2, …} }
exec {action:exec script: /path/to/script.cgi} response: /DEVID/wm2app/response {result:ERROR or OK, req_id: <optional id> script: script name }
getcsvdata {action:getcsvdata, filename: log file name (i.e. /logs/2024/12/20241201_0.csv) columns: comma separated list fo columns interval: interval in minutes between entries } response: /DEVID/wm2app/response {result: OK, req_id: <optional id> csv_data: csv data matching query }
setglobal {action:setglobal, variable: <global name> value: <value> response: /DEVID/wm2app/response {result: OK, req_id: <optional id> <variable name>: <value> }
getglobal {action:getglobal, variable: <global name> response: /DEVID/wm2app/response {result: OK or NOT_FOUND, req_id: <optional id> <variable name>: <value> }