WMMEGA FW >= 2.1198
Set a custom certificate for TLS
This function lets you use a custom certificate for HTTPS transactions.
$key: The contents of the PEM key file
$cert: The contents of the CRT file
int - 0 for success or else the failure code
This example assumes you have two files obtained from your certificate provider and have uploaded them into a /cert/ subfolder on the SD card.
<? $cert_file=fopen("/cert/certificate.pem.crt","r"); $cert=fread($cert_file,filesize($cert_file)); fclose($cert_file); $key_file=fopen("/cert/private.pem.key","r"); $key=fread($key_file,filesize($key_file)); fclose($key_file); $res=set_cert_key($key,$cert); $host='www.your_secure_host.com'; $sock=fsockopen($host,443,70); if ($sock) { print("Socket Opened!"); // do something } else { print("TLS certificate seems to not be working."); } ?>