WMPRO, WMMINI FW >= 1.1015 WMMEGA FW >= 2.0
Calculate the SHA1 hash of a string
This can be used for cryptography or just for checksum calculations.
For more information on SHA1, see this Wikipedia link.
$input: A string
String: SHA1 hash (40 character hexadecimal number) of input
<? // Name this example and call it with this: sha1.cgi?key=secretkey // SHA1 hash value for "secretkey": $hash="9885F8AF04289135DF259E34BD22D17FE45EA81E"; if (sha1($_GET['key']) == $hash) { print("hashes match!"); } ?>
md5() - Calculate the MD5 hash of a string
md5_file() - Calculate the MD5 hash of a file
hash_hmac() - Calculate the hash of a string
aes_decrypt() - Decrypt a string using the AES algorithm
aes_encrypt() - Encrypt a string using the AES algorithm